We believe in the transformative power of books.
Let's start from the ground up, where our littlest feet stand.

Ensuring diverse perspectives are accessible to all.
Loving Little Minds Home Library Project is a US-based nonprofit organization that provides free monthly children's multicultural books to kids ages birth to 9 to battle systemic racism and empower our littles to envision a more just future for all.
We hope to inspire future generations to make a positive and inclusive change.
Because everybody deserves to be a main character.
As children begin to form their view of the world and how they fit into it, it's important that they have books available that represent diverse cultures and races. Research has shown that the broader the array of cultural topics and young reader has access to, the more they recognize diversity as positive.
The dream is that these pages are opening some windows and doors that our little ones are walking through, to be able to learn something new about themselves and others.

books distributed to families and classrooms
families served
local store and organization partners